Planning and Zoning

City of Pryor Creek Planning and Zoning

Ensuring orderly development is the responsibility of Planning and Zoning. This Commission serves the City of Pryor Creek and consists of seven members, with the City of Pryor Creek Mayor and Building Inspector serving in an ex officio capacity. All members are the City of Pryor Creek residents appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The P&Z Commission meets the first Thursday of each month in the City of Pryor Creek City Hall Council Chamber, 12 N Rowe at 5:30 p.m.

Go here for the latest Planning and Zoning Agenda.

The P&Z Commission is responsible for approving the Comprehensive Plan and administration of the Zoning Code for the City of Pryor Creek. The P&Z Commission makes recommendations on all rezoning cases. Most recommendations are forwarded to the City Council for final action. The primary objective of zoning, in the beginning, and in its simplest form, is to separate commercial and industrial uses from residential uses. Mixed-use developments can be permitted through a Planned Unit Development (PUD), which is a regulation that overlays the underlying zoning.

Go here to view an application.

City of Pryor Creek Board of Adjustment

Because a zoning code that fits all cases and conditions cannot be written, the Board of Adjustment (BOA) was originally created by Oklahoma Statutes. These Statutes enable the cities and counties to administer their own zoning. The BOA is charged with hearing appeals from the decision of the building inspector, making interpretations of the zoning map and text, and granting variances and special exceptions.

The City of Pryor Creek Board of Adjustment consists of five members who are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The BOA meets as needed in the City of Pryor Creek City Hall Council Chamber, 12 N Rowe at a time to be determined. The City of Pryor Creek Board of Adjustment (BOA) hears cases within the city limits of Pryor Creek. This citizen Board consists of laypeople with experience in many different areas including real estate, law, and other civic services. The Board’s function is as a quasi-judicial body - meaning they consider evidence presented to them in a public hearing and make decisions about how zoning laws are to be applied the same as a court would do. 

Go here for the latest Board of Adjustment Agenda.

Who are the staff members involved with P&Z and BOA?

The City Building Inspector oversees application processing and advises on planning concerns along with enforcing zoning compliance.

The City Attorney to advise on legal concerns.

One recording secretary to record the proceedings and prepare minutes who also serves to advise and assist in preparing applications for the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Board of Adjustment.