Civic Organizations

2023 Student Guide for Colleges and Universities in Oklahoma

This is a comprehensive resource designed to assist students and their families in identifying the educational institution that aligns with their academic goals while minimizing costs. The available guide includes data-driven insights, such as top colleges and universities, available financial support, and future employment opportunities. Follow the link below:

View the Guide

Lions International

Pryor Public Library
505 E Graham Ave
Pryor Lions Club

First Tuesday of each month, 12:00 Noon

JoEllen Williams

Contact 918-434-1078

Pryor Creek Sertoma Club

Senior Citizens Building
225 South Rowe St

For information call (918) 825-2572

Thursday, 12:00 Noon

Wayne Jones

Optimist International

Boomerang Diner
11 N Adair St
Pryor Optimist Club

Thursday, 7:00 am

Suanne Crockett

Rotary International

First United Methodist Church
400 E. Graham Avenue
Call (918) 825-3074
Pryor Rotary Club

Friday, 12:00 Noon

Sheila Shelby

Alcoholics Anonymous

Find AA Meetings in Northeast Oklahoma.

4833 S Sheridan Rd #410
Tulsa, OK 74145

Oklahoma Meetings

or Call: (918) 627-2224

Memory Care In Oklahoma is dedicated to providing the best, most comprehensive resources to those struggling with Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as their caregivers and loved ones.

Memory Care In Oklahoma


What is a Memory Care Facility?

When to Consider Memory Care?

What to Expect in Memory Care

7535 East Hampden Avenue
Denver, CO 80231
(800) 395-8279


MyVision is a free digital resource led by expert ophthalmologists and optometrists to provide trusted information on eye health and vision. It's no secret that aging brings along a variety of health issues. For many, deteriorating eyesight is one of the first health issues noticed. We recently published two educational guides on aging and eyesight and veteran eye care to better educate veterans and their caregivers. Please take a look:

What to Expect and How to Improve Your Eyesight

Helpful Resources for Veterans

Nvision Center Resources

A free online resource dedicated to helping people live better by seeing better.
Neurological disorders like Alzheimer's can negatively impact eyesight, causing many seniors to lose vision as they age. To help seniors and those caring for them, we have two pages discussing Senior Vision and Alzheimer's Impact on Vision.

Alzheimer's Disease: Multifaceted Vision Changes


For more information call: (866) 257-2851